Saturday, January 3, 2009


Protein are the most critical componet of food for our canine friends. Dogs need proteins to produce hairs, nails, tendons, cartilage and all the connective tissues that support the rest of the tissues and organs in the body so adequate proteins is important for dog's growth and proper development, for muscle development and strength, for a functioning immune system, for the production of functioning hormones, for the proper volume of blood, for injury repair and prevention and much much more.

Protein is the most important of all the nutrients in dogs food.

Dogs can get proteins from both animal and plant resources. Example of complete protein resources that come from animals are eggs, lean meat.

Dogs major source of proteins should be animal products not grains. Don't buy a dog food that contains soyabean meal, soy flour or corn gluten meal. Dogs that have sufficient enzymes to digest them.

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